1st International Video Art Contest. Medinaceli EROS. 2024

1st International Video Art Contest.
Medinaceli EROS. 2024

The 1st International Video Art Contest Medinaceli EROS was created to give an opportunity to artists who have the human body and its erotic drive as the theme of their creations, thus being able to reach their audience.

The contest aims to bring together and collect various proposals for audiovisual production at both a national and international level, from a fresh and original point of view.

Its intention is to offer artists an opportunity to promote their proposals in a specific place, such as La Maison D’EROS de Medinaceli, also facilitating the public’s contemplation of sensual art.



A selection will be made among all the videos received and they will be awarded 5 prizes:

1. First Prize: 400€
2. Second Prize: 200€
3. Third Prize: 100€
4. Honorable Mention 1: Diploma
5. Honorable Mention 2: Diploma

The videos will be shown on October 19th, 2024, in El Jardín de las Delicias, part of La Maison D’EROS, the Agora of sensual art in Medinaceli, Soria (Spain) located at San Román street #3, 42240.


Conditions of entry:

1. Registration fee:

The registration fee for the contest will be 20 euros and will be paid into the DEARTE Foundation account.

Concept: “Medinaceli EROS International Video Art Contest”.
Owner of the Account: Fundación DEARTE IBAN ES62 3017 0240 8622 0457 0523
CAJA Q10 Rural de Soria

The registration fee will not be returned to any of the participants.

Reception of videos will end on September 25, 2024 at 00:00 (GMT +1), and after that period, no more creations will be accepted.
The videos will be selected by a jury of experts, and the winners will be viewed on October 19th, 2024, in El Jardín de las Delicias inside La Maison D’EROS, the Agora of sensual art in Medinaceli, Soria (Spain) located on San Román Street #3, 42240.

The selected artists will be notified of their participation, no later than October 10th, 2024.

To send the proposals or any query related to it, contact the organizers at

2. Registrations:

It will be done by completing and sending the Registration Form online to the address: lamaisondeeros@dearte.info, indicating in the subject: REGISTRATION (NAME AND SURNAMES).

The registration form is available by clicking here.

The following documentation will be sent attached to the email:

-Photocopy of the contestant’s ID or passport

-Brief updated resume

-Registration fee receipt


Technical and general conditions of the videos:

1. 1 video per artist or collective: They may have been submitted to other video art contests or festivals. If selected and/or awarded, the video may be displayed with clear mention of having been presented at Medinaceli EROS 2024.

2. Maximum duration of 5 minutes per video.

3. Subtitles in the video: Works in any language are accepted, but if the video contains dialogues or texts in a language other than Spanish, subtitles in Spanish must be included.

4. The videos must be original and the video artists or group must be in possession of the copyright of the videos, both for the image and the sound.

5. Both the management, the commissioners or any person linked to the Contest are not responsible for the veracity of the data provided by the participants. In case of problems related in any way to audiovisual rights, please contact us at the email address indicated above.

6. Under no circumstances will works be accepted that deviate from artistic
criteria or that in any way violate the laws in force in Spanish territory and also inscribed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In any case, the responsibility for these falls on the authors of the videos and never on the International Video Art Contest Medinaceli Eros, or on any of its collaborators.


Reception of video art:

The submission will take place online, for which interested parties must send the proposals via email to lamaisondeeros@dearte.info.

The videos will be sent in H.264/MPEG-4 or a similar standardized format that allows them to be viewed with good quality.

Maximum recommended file size is 1 GB. Aspect ratio (16:9)

It will be mandatory to complete and forward the registration form in PDF to the email previously provided.

It can be attached as individual files, compressed, via email, download and/or storage platforms.


Consent and data protection:

By uploading the video, the author grants the contest organization the right of reproduction and distribution in the spaces that are selected for the exhibition. You also authorize the publication of your name and video credits on the list that will include all participants.

Furthermore, the organization reserves the right to use the names, surnames and still images of the selected participants or their videos, provided that it is with the intention of disseminating and promoting the contest, as well as for advertising in the public media, without such use confers any right to remuneration.

The transfer of these rights will continue once the contest and the screening at La Maison D’EROS are closed, under the tacit consent of both parties, unless the author/owner tells us otherwise.

Simply participating by sending the proposal implies acceptance of the regulatory conditions of this Festival.

Alojamiento y Diseño: Serviconex Servicios Web